Why Independent?

Hello. I am Janice Lee Allen and I am running for United States Congress from District 6 of Virginia. I am extremely pleased and honored to do so. And, I am even more pleased to say that I am running as an Independent.

Over the past few weeks I have had time to think. As many of you know, my family heritage is deeply rooted in the Shenandoah Valley. Over the course of the past 8 generations, there have been conservatives and liberals in my family. Some were committed Democrats, others committed Republicans. And, then there were those who voted for whomever they believed were the right person for the job, with the ultimate hope that their voice would be heard in Washington. But, was THEIR voice actually heard?

We need a representative from this District who can connect with all the people: An individual who speaks not for a party, but for the people. We need someone who is not tied to a Political Party, nor tied to political commitments—I am that person.

I pledge to vote on behalf of the citizens of the district. To support the people—this is why the House of Representatives exists—to act as the voice of the people.

To make it clear, there are reasons for political parties. But, at this level they cause voters to support candidates who do not agree with them. Party platforms force politicians to represent ideas that their constituents do not necessarily agree with. Our representative MUST be malleable to the public need.

I will listen to each and every voice—party member or not. I know what it is to have so little. I’ve lived day to day and felt the pain of recession. I know what it is to count coins to determine if I can afford to buy a pair of shoes for my child. I know what it is to go to work each day, and not know whether or not I will have a job tomorrow.

I was lucky. I worked my way through college—finishing in only three years. Raised a family and attained advanced degrees. Through all of this I balanced work and family. And now, with my experience I want to represent you.

It is important that we have someone to represent us who has the education, experience, and the heritage to make things happen and understand our district. I pledge to NOT turn a deaf ear to your needs.

I care about each and every one of you. And, I assure you: I will represent each and every individual from this District. You need and deserve a voice in the Capitol.

I will be that voice.

George Washington asked us to not divide ourselves into political parties. Political divisions cannot represent every citizen and The House is no place to have political division.

This is why I ask for your trust and your vote.

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